CAO Message: Thank You and Happy Holidays!

Message from Helen Robbins-Meyer, Chief Administrative Officer

When 2020 came to a close, we were all ready to turn the page. I mean, 2021 had to be easier, right?

Well, here we are wrapping up a year that was in many ways just as challenging. It was also a time we made enormous strides.

County efforts helped drive San Diego to have one of the highest COVID vaccination rates in the nation. That’s a lifesaving accomplishment. Even with the recent indoor mask requirement, we’ve largely reopened to the public, and at the same time established telework as part of our ongoing operations.

We’ve moved quickly to put our new Board’s wide-ranging agenda into action. The ambitious Framework for the Future has pushed us hard in many new directions, and it’s exciting to see your creativity and energy turning that vision into reality. Then there’s also carrying out restructuring that we initiated ourselves. Everywhere you turn in our organization, tremendous change is underway.

Serving the public is demanding in the best of times. These have been some very difficult times, and I offer you my deepest appreciation for everything you’ve done and gone through. I wish you all peace in this season and hope you can enjoy joyful and safe celebrations with loved ones.

Happy holidays and see you in 2022!