Help CECO Raise Some Dough


Hey! “Donut” miss this sweet occasion! County Employees’ Charitable Organization is hosting a doughnut fundraiser, so you can get delicious doughnuts and help people in your community. Buy a dozen or two Krispy Kremes to support CECO and all proceeds will go back out to the community in the form of grants to local nonprofits or to support the Employee Crisis Fund.

Ordering is simple as one-two-three.

First submit your order. Use the QR code on the flyer below or this link to order. It is $11 for one dozen glazed doughnuts.

Two; make your payment. To pay with Venmo or PayPal, use the QR codes below. To pay with cash or check (made payable to CECO), interoffice your payment to Mail Stop A-47 Attn: Detra Williams, Dept: CECO.

Three - get your doughnuts and support your community! Supporters will be emailed a digital voucher the first week of November that can be redeemed anytime at any Krispy Kreme location.

Have a question, contact CECO at
