CAO: The Next Steps in Diversity & Inclusion

Message from Helen Robbins-Meyer, Chief Administrative Officer

In the wake of another police shooting of a young black man in Wisconsin and the events that followed that led to more tragic deaths, we all continue to struggle with our feelings about equity and racial justice, while recognizing there’s so much that must be done. 

As CAO, I want to definitively state that I cannot tolerate discrimination and racism in our workforce. Blatant racism is easy to address. Let me assure you, we will. But it’s the systemic and unconscious things we all do that are every bit as hurtful individually and harmful to our workplace. And it crosses all skin colors, cultural and religious beliefs, and sexual identities. That’s why we have to tackle this journey together with open ears, open minds and open hearts. 

We have started that process, and our Diversity & Inclusion Executive Council put together a summary of recent and coming actions. I am inspired by their work and excited for what’s to come. I encourage you to take a look at The Next Steps: Diversity and Inclusion.