Kudos for a double emergency response

Message from CAO Helen Robbins-Meyer

Labor Day weekend turned out to be no holiday for many of our colleagues. While most San Diegans did their best to hide from heat and smoke, hundreds of County employees were busy tackling twin emergencies of fire and COVID-19.

The Valley Fire destroyed a number of homes and drove residents from a broad section of East County. On top of all the staff called on to handle the response, another 200+ employees volunteered to work shelters if more evacuations were needed. Thankfully, that wasn’t necessary, but I am so touched by the desire to help.

Even with the fire still active, we’ve already started on recovery for people who lost property. My thanks in advance to everyone involved in that long process.  

This fire struck as we head into peak fire season, and as we’ve seen horrific wildfires around the state. It’s all the reminder any of us needs to be prepared. Have a plan for yourself and family, pets included. Stay informed. Make sure your cellphone is signed up with AlertSanDiego, especially if your home has no landline.

Meanwhile, our team fighting COVID-19 had a new challenge: a spike in cases among students at San Diego State. This meant an intense effort in cooperation with the school to limit the spread of the disease. That started last week, ran all through the weekend, and continues. Of course, that’s after months of tireless work by so many employees to control the pandemic.   

And another huge event is approaching quickly: the November presidential election. I discussed all the changes coming in a recent message and the special staffing it will require. Employees are stepping up again, with more than 400 volunteering to be assigned to our Registrar for nine days leading up to the election.

This year has demanded so much of everyone, and you continue to come through time and again. The commitment to serving our residents is unparalleled. I don’t have words to tell you how much I appreciate your work and how proud I am to be part of such a dedicated team.

2020 has been a tough one, and it may have more to throw at us yet. As I’ve said before, please take care of yourself, look out for each other. And thank you again for all you do.