Celebrating the Right to Vote and Changes Coming this Election
/THe County Administration Center on Aug. 26, 2020.
Message from Helen Robbins-Meyer, Chief Administrative Officer
Tonight we’re lighting the County Administration Center purple to mark the 100th anniversary of ratification of the 19th Amendment, which gave women the right to vote. It’s a reason to celebrate, and it’s a reminder that many Americans have had to fight uphill battles to fully participate in our democracy.
It also comes as we ramp up for a presidential election and with the exercise of that cherished right very much on everyone’s minds. Pulling off any election is an enormous undertaking, and our Registrar of Voters has successfully rolled with many changes over the years. This time, the challenge really steps up with state orders meant to protect residents’ health as well as their votes. You should be aware of what’s in store this election season.
For starters, every registered voter in California will receive a mail ballot. That’s not a huge change here, because about three-quarters of San Diego voters already request mail ballots. Mail voting is a proven secure method of voting that is being expanded to facilitate social distancing and other health safety protocols. Now every registered voter will get a ballot mailed to their home. And we are doubling the number of drop-off locations for those who want to personally turn in their ballot.
We’ll still have polling places, but far fewer: roughly 235, down from 1,500+ in March. However, each of those sites will be open a full four days – from Saturday through Election Day. The sites will be equipped with tools for staff to look up voter information, which should mean a big drop in the number of provisional ballots cast. The processing those need adds greatly to the time it takes to get through all ballots and finalize results.
Living through the pandemic has meant constant changes, and this will be more for the public to absorb. We’ll be doing a lot to communicate what’s new, and you can find a summary on the Registrar’s Vote Safer San Diego page. Having all our County employees share this information with family and friends would also be a big help. My thanks to everyone who gets the word out, and to the Registrar’s staff for their tireless efforts to get ready for the election and ensure our citizens can make their voices heard.