ERG Council Statement on Protests


The Employee Resource Groups (ERGs) stand in solidarity with peaceful protestors responding to the violence, economic inequality and prejudice that are occurring today. We speak with one voice and say that injustice is unacceptable. To not speak up during this turning point in San Diego and across our nation would be complicity on our part. We call on those in positions of power and privilege to stand for our brothers and sisters who have had their voices silenced and break the cycles of violence and racism in our country.

ERGs are formed to provide community and foster deeper connection within historically marginalized groups. We are committed to increasing awareness of culture, race and ethnic relations among our County employees and the communities we represent. We support social justice and encourage discussions to improve the socio-economic, cultural, and public health well-being of our members and our communities.

We pledge to continue to be part of the solution and be voices of change that address the deep and complex issues affecting race, culture, inequality, violence, representation, and economic improvement.

We encourage all our members and County family to get involved: donate to an affiliated cause, contact your local elected officials to ensure they hear your concerns, use your social media and contact networks to have important conversations, and take care of one another. 

Dr. Keisha Clark, Chair

Ben Parmentier, Co-Chair