Update for June 19

Message from Helen Robbins-Meyer, Chief Administrative Officer

As we head into Father’s Day weekend, let me take a moment to acknowledge all the fathers out there, especially for your efforts these last few months. Many parents have had extra child care duty on top of full-time jobs, and had to make it all work out of their homes. Thanks, dads, for finding ways to get it done.

Beyond this recent stretch, thanks to our dads for a lifetime of support. All of us who’ve enjoyed a caring, dedicated father have been immensely blessed. They guide us, directly at first, and their character serves as a model we rely on the rest of our lives. Our gratitude is eternal, even if Father’s Day rolls around just once a year.

Like other recent occasions, we’ll have to celebrate our dads at a distance this time around. We’re measuring a variety of indicators of COVID-19 activity that might prompt us to roll back reopening. One indicator for action, or trigger, is new community outbreaks. That includes things like gatherings at people’s homes. We hit that community outbreaks trigger yesterday. And while we’re not immediately imposing any restrictions in response, we are sharing with the public a strong reminder of the need to avoid gatherings and practice social distancing.

We all need to follow that direction, and that unfortunately means skipping family get-togethers for  Father’s Day. It’s hard, but it’s what’s the current circumstances call for.

Do what’s right, even when it’s difficult. Protect others. Those sound like values fathers try to instill in their children. Living by those words is fitting tribute to the fathers and father figures in our lives. Everyone, stay strong, stay safe and Happy Father’s Day!