Update for May 8

Message from Helen Robbins-Meyer, Chief Administrative Officer

Some businesses that have been shut can start opening their doors again today, including florists – just in time for Mother’s Day!

I want to recognize some of the special challenges moms have had during this time. (To be sure, anyone in a parenting role, but it’s Mother’s Day weekend.) Many are having to juggle working from home with child care, since schools are closed. They’re acting as part-time teaching assistants to help kids with remote classes. A lot of the places they’d take kids for a break, like parks, were not options until more recently. Raising kids anytime is a big job, and it’s been tougher lately. Hats off to anyone handling it all. 

Unfortunately, like the springtime holidays we had last month, Mother’s Day has to be different this year. No heading out for brunch or getting extended family members together. Though we’re easing up on some outdoor activities and businesses, gatherings with anyone outside your household are still off limits. Unless you live with your mom, you need to keep your celebration to phone or video calls.

I know it’s hard, but reducing the chance of transmitting the coronavirus is the best gift you can give. Especially if your mother is older, which puts her at higher risk. As we see things start to reopen, we can’t get ahead of the precautions that still need to be in place.

So my best wishes to all mothers in our workforce, and I hope you celebrate the mothers in your life, but please do so safely. Thanks for all you’re doing to protect the public’s health.