Update for May 6

Message from Helen Robbins-Meyer, Chief Administrative Officer

If you’ve been following the news, you know we’re reaching a big milestone this week. The governor plans to move the state’s stay-home order from Stage 1 to Stage 2, which means low-risk businesses can start to reopen. It’s very limited, allowing certain retailers and other workplaces to operate with new restrictions. But it’s an important and welcome step in the right direction.

It also means we have to be looking at the next steps, including those for our County operations. We’re putting a reopening plan together. There are a lot of details to work out, but expect to see it start rolling into place in coming weeks.

It will be gradual and keep the safety of the public and our employees first and foremost. The tremendous effort we’ve put into keeping COVID-19 cases at a manageable level – flattening the curve – will go to waste if we let our guard down too quickly or carelessly. 

Things will continue to look different, and we’ll need to continue showing ingenuity in how we deliver services. I want to share a great example of that kind of innovation from our Assessor/Recorder/County Clerk. Take a minute to watch this video showing how they’ve made it possible to still perform weddings under the restrictions.

Your creativity and flexibility are getting us through this, and we’ll rely on those traits as we create our path forward. Stay tuned, stay strong, and thank you for everything.