Update for May 29

Message from Helen Robbins-Meyer, Chief Administrative Officer

So many of you at the County have done remarkable work getting us through this difficult time. But, this being a public health crisis, today I want to offer special recognition to our public health team.

It starts with our public health officer, Dr. Wilma Wooten. After a couple months of almost daily news briefings, she’s now a familiar face all over San Diego. She’s guided us through a challenge like nothing we’ve ever experienced. Remember this is a new virus. Scientists’ understanding of it evolves daily. Dr. Wooten has relied on data and the best available facts, and has always acted out of devotion to the welfare of our residents. A Union-Tribune profile last Sunday dived a little deeper into her COVID-19 work and her life of service.


She gets the spotlight, but there’s a big incredible team right behind her. Doctors. Legions of nurses. Epidemiologists, including the contact tracers and investigators I mentioned the other day. Laboratory staff. Data specialists. Health communicators. Our Medical Operations Center, rounding up medical equipment and supplies, and coordinating with the health care community. Various support staff. 

All these folks have worked tirelessly the last few months. Looking back at where we were just a short a time ago, it’s phenomenal how much they’ve accomplished. I’ll reemphasize the dynamic nature of this new health threat and the need to respond to changing guidance and situations on the ground. That constant shifting has made the work all the more demanding.

The good news is that all their efforts are paying off. We’re keeping the spread of the virus at manageable levels, which means we can start to reopen. There’s a long road ahead, and the work will continue. But let’s pause for a moment and extend our gratitude to everyone in public health for so skillfully rising to the challenge of protecting us, keeping us safe.