Update for May 22

Message from Helen Robbins-Meyer, Chief Administrative Officer

It was a big week for San Diego and all of us working on the COVID-19 response. You’ve no doubt seen that the governor gave us the OK to move through Stage 2 of reopening, meaning restaurants and retailers can now have customers back inside.

What most folks didn’t see is all the work that went into preparing our “attestation” that we’re ready for this next step. It required extensive documentation and a huge effort by some of our colleagues. Big shout-out to them for a job well done.   

While we’re making progress, it’s essential to remember where we are – in the middle of a gradual process that has to put the public’s health first. As we head into a holiday weekend, a reminder that gatherings are still off limits. No backyard barbecues with anyone outside your household. You can walk on the beach, but no setting up a traditional Memorial Day beach party.

We’ve kept the impacts of the virus at a manageable level because of our preventive actions. The stay-at-home restrictions, the face coverings, the rules for reopened business. It’s all hard, but it’s paid off in lives saved. We have to remain careful and continue to take the direction of our medical professionals.

As places continue to open, it will be less about stay home, more about stay safe. I appreciate everything that everyone has gone through to get us this far. Let’s not let up. Enjoy your long holiday weekend, and do so safely.