New Version of Adobe Acrobat Being Pushed to All County Computers


All County staff will have their computers updated with Adobe Acrobat Pro DC automatically. The update is required due to licensing requirements by Adobe.

The County Technology Office (CTO) will be automatically forcing the installation on the following dates:

  • Land Use and Environment Group – May 16

  • Finance and General Government – May 20

  • Health and Human Services Agency – May 23

(The update was already pushed out to Public Safety Group employees.)

Installation Process

No reboot will be required and the install will happen automatically in the background. The process can take up to 30 minutes depending on network speed. You may be prompted to close any office application such as Word, Excel, PowerPoint or Outlook as well as your existing installation of Adobe Acrobat. If you’re not present, these applications will be closed automatically. 

How to Use

Adobe Acrobat and its use will not change much. The only notable change is a new requirement to log in to the application in order to use it. Here’s how:

  • Shortly after opening the application, users will be prompted for credentials with an Adobe login screen. Follow the relevant prompts and be sure to click the option to sign in with an enterprise ID.

  • Your credentials will be your full County email address. 

  • No password should be required if you’re already logged into the device with your County credentials.

  • You may be prompted with an Oracle Access Manager login screen as well.  If so, please login with your County computer USERNAME and PASSWORD.

Once authenticated, the application will function as normal and you shouldn’t be prompted again for at least another 99 days.

For specific instructions on the new Adobe Logins, please see this detailed document.