Update for April 8

Message from Helen Robbins-Meyer, Chief Administrative Officer

You’ve all plunged into our new reality with incredible energy and flexibility. But however well you’ve been able to adapt, I know the strain of physical distancing will also wear on everyone over time. You’ll miss many of the things that offer a sense of community.

This week brings Easter and Passover. Ramadan begins soon. We would’ve held one of our biggest and most popular County employee events – the Amazing Race – this month. I want to acknowledge it’s incredibly hard to let those opportunities for coming together go, or to change long-held traditions. I can’t offer a replacement. I do offer my thanks and my encouragement for holding strong in a difficult time.

Please continue to use whatever channels you have to stay in touch with and support your fellow employees, as well as family and friends. We can – we have to – remain connected. At the County, we are separated, but we’re united in purpose. 

We’re seeing some encouraging signs in our fight against this disease, but we have a ways to go. Stay strong, stay connected. Thank you again for everything you do.