April 6 Update - Take the Pledge!
/Message from Helen Robbins-Meyer, Chief Administrative Officer
Over the weekend, we launched a “stay home” pledge for San Diegans to take online and then share. It’s a way to rally everyone to the cause of physical distancing, which is essential to slowing the spread of COVID-19.
I encourage you to take the pledge, and if you use social media, share it. Even if you’re still reporting to a location for essential work, the pledge applies to safe practices on the job and to your hours off. It’s a simple act with a powerful message – that one at a time, we can work together and make a difference that will save lives.
The experts say we are entering a critical period in the course of this disease. There are already signs that the restrictions we’re living with are having the intended effect. Now’s the time to affirm our commitment to doing what it takes to keep the spread at a manageable level, to “flattening the curve.”
The County has long relied on the power of collective impact. We’ve never needed it more. Join me in taking the pledge, and invite people you know to do the same.
Thank you for all you’re doing.