CAO Update for April 1

Message from Helen Robbin-Meyer, Chief Administrative Officer

A lot of what the County does, even in normal times, is work with people in difficult circumstances. Specific, vulnerable populations that need our help. Then, in a crisis, our residents really look to us to get them through it.

Put those two facts together, and the message is clear. This really is our time to come through for the people we serve. We’ve all chosen public service. This moment has chosen us.

Since our COVID-19 response began, I’ve been constantly impressed and inspired by the ways County employees have stepped up. All of us need to do our parts. I know the nature of this public health threat can make some of us anxious. Those concerns can’t stop us from doing what we must do. If you are sick, yes, please stay home. Everyone else, we need to keep doing our jobs.

We are still at the outset of this emergency. We will continue to be challenged. What you’ve shown me over and over, is that rising to challenges is what I can expect County employees to do. It fills me with pride and with confidence in our ability to lead our community during this unprecedented period.

Thank you for answering this call to action.