Update for March 27

Message from Helen Robbins-Meyer, Chief Administrative Officer

Our first full week working under our new normal is coming to a close. Many of our colleagues will continue the County’s COVID-19 response through the weekend, but for the bulk of employees, it’s time to recharge.

Our work has undergone a radical transformation, and with the stay-home order, weekends for a lot of folks are going to be different as well. It will take the same creativity and flexibility we’ve shown on the job, but with the right mindset, the time off can still be fulfilling and relaxing.

We have some resources we’re sharing with the public that I want to share with you, too. Like the rest of us, our Live Well San Diego team has quickly reshaped its approach to meet the current circumstances. Today they launched Live Well @ Home, a collection of suggested activities broken down by different age groups. There are physical exercises, a variety of online classes, mindfulness techniques and more. The tips and strategies keep us moving, even in this environment, toward the vision of healthy, safe and thriving.

Experts have stressed over and over that social distancing doesn’t mean socially disconnected. In fact, it’s more important than ever that you make an effort to reach out to others. The weekend is great for a long call or FaceTime with someone. It’s good for you and those you contact, who may also be feeling isolated. 

We’re still at the outset of this difficult period. Our best chance at shortening the time we need to do this is for everyone to rigorously follow the restrictions in place. I know it’s really hard. But at the moment, it’s how we’ll best realize our commitment to serving the public good.

Thank you for all your work. Continue to take care of yourselves and look out for each other.