Update for March 21

Message from Helen Robbins-Meyer, Chief Administrative Officer

I apologize for no email Friday. We were working on getting clarity on the governor’s order for everyone to stay at home. Here’s an overview of what it means for the public.

The County Emergency Operations Center is fully operational at its highest level to ensure the safety of our community. Staff directly involved with trying to prevent the spread of COVID-19 are working through the weekend, and I’m sure all employees join me in expressing our appreciation for their work to protect us.

For County staffing plans overall, here’s what’s happening. Employees classified as essential will be working either at their workplace or teleworking from home. Others not classified as essential will be teleworking from home performing their normal duties. Some of you may not be able to perform your normal duties. You’ll be doing professional development or other assigned duties.

Not sure if you’re classified essential or what your assignment is? Check with your supervisor. By now, you should’ve heard from your department, but I know they’ve all been scrambling. If you haven’t, please contact your supervisor. Supervisors, thank you for handling these logistical and staffing challenges.

Please remember all County employees are considered disaster service employees. You could be reassigned to essential duties during this time. It’s important that we remain flexible to make sure we are providing the best service to our community and helping out our fellow employees when needed.

As we switch to telework, it may take a little more effort to stay connected with colleagues and supervisors. The best way to do that will vary by the person or the workgroup. But please make sure you do stay in touch with others and keep lines of communication open.

We’re just getting started down this road. Continue to take care of yourselves, watch out for your co-workers. The incredible response I’ve seen from all of you so far gives me great confidence in our ability to lead our residents through this. Thanks so much for everything!