An Update on Our COVID-19 Response


From Helen Robbins-Meyer, Chief Administrative Officer

County Team,

The rapid developments in the spread of the new coronavirus disease, or COVID-19, stepped up dramatically in the last day, across the country and for us here at the County.

We are moving into uncharted territory. But it is also a situation we have long considered and planned for. We have tremendous staff who for weeks have been working tirelessly and coordinating with agencies across the region to protect the public and our workforce, too. However, we’ve reached a point where the impacts of the outbreak are going to be far broader across San Diego.

Our County Public Health Officer, Dr. Wilma Wooten, has announced measures to help slow the spread of the new coronavirus. The practice is called “social distancing.” Essentially, keeping people apart. The measures include bans on large gatherings – those of more than 250 people. Smaller events are allowed if people can be put more than six feet apart from each other.

There are even tighter restrictions for higher risk groups, which includes anyone over 65 years old. They should stay out of gatherings of more than 10 people.

Also, the County announced five additional local cases of COVID-19, bringing the local total to six. We expect that to increase in days ahead. The potential for a wider outbreak in San Diego remains very real. You can find more details about the cases and the social distancing efforts in this County News Center story.

The implications of these actions are far-reaching and disruptive. We know that in times of uncertainty, residents look to their government for guidance and reassurance. We need to be able to provide as much continuity as possible. We’ve done this through other emergencies, and we’ll do so again.

Many of you have questions about our operations and County policies and procedures. Our Human Resources department has put together a list of FAQs that addresses many of these. A link will stay on InSite, and it will be updated as needed.

Also, when possible, more of you may be asked to work remotely. The County Technology Office created an IT Remote Access guide (link on InSite homepage).

A quick reminder on steps to avoid getting sick:

  • Wash your hands often and thoroughly. We can’t say it enough. Watch this video to make sure you’re doing it correctly.

  • Avoid close contact with people who are sick.

  • If you are sick, stay home and keep your distance from others to protect them from getting sick too.

You also should make sure you and your family are prepared. The website has lots of information on preparing as well as guidance for our many community partners, and the latest information.

The near future will be very demanding and require much flexibility. You have shown me time and again that you’re ready for all challenges, and I have no doubt you’ll rise to this one. You’re capable, hardworking, dedicated and experienced.

We’re likely in this for a while. Take care of yourself, look out for each other. As one County, and one community, we’ll be much better positioned to pull through this.