Receive a Thank You Gift for Donating to CECO


It is now even more rewarding to donate to the County Employees’ Charitable Organization (CECO). The nonprofit is awarding gifts of appreciation to both new and existing donors.

“CECO would not be able to provide grants to local nonprofit programs and support employees in crisis without the generosity and loyalty of employees who contribute,” said CECO’s President Mavette Sadile. “This is CECO’s way of saying thank you.”

Through employee and retirees’ donations, CECO has distributed more than $6.9 million throughout the San Diego region to local nonprofit organizations and employees experiencing a one-time financial crisis since its founding in 1956.

In the new “Contributors Club,” supporters donating up to $9.99 per pay period will receive a heart badge clip, $10 to $19.99 will receive a CECO notebook, and $20 or more will receive a CECO blanket. Payroll deduction donations must be in place for at least three months. See CECO pledge instructions.

You can also earn appreciation gifts for one-time donations. Contact your CECO Department Representative to make a one-time donation.

Rewards are made possible by a grant. One hundred percent of donations made to CECO continue to go to the community.

For additional information on the Contributors Club, visit CECO online.