ERGs Mark Transgender Day of Remembrance


The African American Association of County Employees (AAACE) and the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer & Allies Employee Resource Group (LGBTQ&A) release the following statement:

The lighting of the County Administration Center (CAC) on Nov. 20 recognizes the solemn occasion of Transgender Day of Remembrance. Tragically, 2020 has already seen at least 34 transgender or gender non-conforming people killed by violent means*, the majority of who were Black and Latinx transgender women.

To honor these victims and countless others, we stand in solidarity by lighting the County Administration Center to remember each life lost. The visibility this lighting provides is a small step to bring awareness to a grim reality for one of the most vulnerable populations in our society. Transgender people also face disproportionate health disparities, harassment, and discrimination.

It is incumbent upon all of us with privilege to use our power to do more.

To learn more about intersectionality and the realities of Transgender people in the words of some of the County’s own employees, please visit this article.

For ways you can get involved, please visit these organizations: