Governor Appoints Sheriff Gore to State Board
San Diego County Sheriff Bill Gore has been appointed by Gov. Jerry Brown to become one of the 13 members of the Board of State and Community Corrections.
The independent agency was created in 2012. Some of its duties include: implementing state regulations for California’s adult and juvenile detention systems; developing and maintaining data on California’s public safety realignment programs; developing standards to select and train corrections and probation officers; and administering millions of dollars in public safety grants.
The Sheriff’s Department released a statement saying Gore was honored to be appointed to an important leadership position that “provides leadership to adult and juvenile criminal justice systems as well as technical assistance on a wide range of community corrections issues across the state. In the last several years, the San Diego County Sheriff’s Department has instituted groundbreaking reentry programs and has opened award winning detention facilities.”
Gore’s appointment to the Board of State and Community Corrections requires confirmation from the State Senate. The position is non-paying.