Foster and Relative Caregiver Families Honored by HHSA
Seventeen foster parents and relative caregivers won awards at the recent Quality Parenting Initiative Caregiver Appreciation banquet.
Three hundred foster parent and relative caregiver families were honored recently by the County’s Health and Human Services Agency.
HHSA hosted the second annual Quality Parenting Initiative Caregiver Appreciation banquet, highlighting the efforts of these families in providing safety, stability and hope for foster youth in the County.
Awards were presented to 17 caregivers who provide children in foster care loving, committed and skilled parenting while helping to maintain important connections in a child’s life.
A new award was introduced this year recognizing a community partner. Straight from the Heart, Inc. is a nonprofit organization that offers a wide array of support to caregivers including a storefront to purchase clothing or other items at a nominal cost.
Supervisor Greg Cox applauded the work foster families are doing to strengthen birth families, support sibling connections and care for older or medically fragile youth. In addition, Nick Macchione, HHSA director, and Cathi Palatella, child welfare services director, expressed deep appreciation for resource parents’ dedication to children and families.