EAP... Easy as 1, 2, 3
Getting help from your Employee Assistance Program is quick, easy and private. You will now have easy access to the EAP by selecting one of the following options:
A new link added to InSite’s Top Links for Employee Assistance Program
Links from either the Benefits or the Employee Wellness webpages
Calling the EAP at 888-777-6665
(Please note Sheriff’s Department sworn staff has access to their EAP by contacting The Counseling Team International at 800-222-9691.)
The Employee Assistance Program is an important benefit available to County employees, dependents and household members. The Department of Human Resources provides EAP as part of its commitment to promoting health and well-being. This benefit is confidential and offered at no charge and provides valuable resources to help during challenging times, as well as day-to-day concerns.
Professionally trained staff is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week to offer a broad range of services in areas such as:
Parenting: Adoption, developmental stages, childcare, well-being and education
Aging: Planning for the future, aging well, housing options, grief and loss, caregiving
Mental Health: Personal growth, communication, addiction and recovery, relationships
Wellness: Healthy eating, recipes, health specific to age and gender, medical care
Working: Effective managing, career transitions, workplace productivity and safety
Living: Consumer tips, fraud and theft, legal, immigration and relocation abroad
Don’t forget, consultations are free and absolutely confidential.