Results Announced from Count of Homeless
The results are in.
The Regional Task Force on the Homeless today announced the results of the 2017 Point-in-Time Count which shows there are 9,116 homeless men, women and children. (News conference video)
We know how many homeless people are in the region because hundreds of County employees were among those who hit the streets in late January to help count them. A total of 515 employees participated in this year’s count.
The Point-in-Time Count gives a snapshot of the number of people experiencing homelessness throughout the San Diego region. The numbers help the region identify solutions on how to best serve this vulnerable population.
The Board of Supervisors believes this is such a worthy cause that employees who participate in the count can do it on County time. In recent years, County employees have accounted for about a third of all volunteers needed to count the homeless.
Last year, there were 8,669 homeless people in the San Diego region, the fourth largest homeless population in the nation behind New York City, Los Angeles and Seattle.
For more information on the Point-in-Time Count results, click here.