Make Ethics Your Personal Cause
Doing what is right is not always easy. March is your time to reaffirm your commitment to ethical conduct. During Ethics Awareness Month, the Office of Ethics and Compliance will host several events and opportunities for County employees to hear about upholding the highest of ethical standards.
How to Celebrate:
Ethics in action: Send a short (1 – 3 minute) video of “what ethics means to you” or the “dos and don’ts of ethical behavior at work” to OEC by March 24. You may win a prize and a chance to have your video highlighted on InSite, so get creative. Videos can be shot in any style—commercial, talk show, documentary or even comedy. For additional questions regarding this contest and how to submit your video, call 619- 531-5174 or email
The fair way: Attend the Ethics Awareness Month Information Fair from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m., March 23 at the County Operations Center Commons. There will be free goodies, a raffle and resources for County employees. Confirmed participants include several County departments, employee resource groups (ERGs), and the Resource Team for Diversity & Inclusion.
Listen up: Join the speaker series with freshman Supervisor Kristin Gaspar from noon to 1 p.m., March 13 in the County Operations Center Chambers. Gaspar will speak about public trust.
Knowledge is power: Take the online Ethics 101 class. The video training can be found on LMS by searching for “ethics.” You can learn even more by visiting the Office of Ethics and Compliance on InSite to review the County’s Code of Ethics, and find answers to frequently asked questions.
Crash course on ethics: Complete “Ethics in a Box” team exercises. The Office of Ethics and Compliance has developed several educational exercises that can be used to lead discussions with staff and explore our Code of Ethics and Statement of Values.
County employees who suspect or are aware of fraud, waste, abuse or other misconduct by other County employees, contractors, vendors or other business partners have an obligation to report such activity to their immediate supervisor, manager, department head, Department of Human Resources or Office of Ethics and Compliance. If you’re not comfortable with any of these options, or would like to make an anonymous report, the Ethics Hotline is always an option. Call (866) 549-0004. Additionally, you are always welcome to call the Office of Ethics and Compliance for advice and/or guidance.
To learn more about ethics, visit the Office of Ethics and Compliance on InSite.