Happy CECO Day!
In honor of its diamond anniversary, the San Diego County Employees’ Charitable Organization received a proclamation from the County Board of Supervisors on Tuesday recognizing the nonprofit for its leadership, generosity and commitment to the community.
“For 60 years they have been lending a hand to diverse groups and communities in the San Diego region and people in need,” Supervisor Greg Cox said as he presented the proclamation to CECO board members. “CECO encourages support of local nonprofit programs and works to ensure that San Diego is a safe and livable community where all of its residents can thrive.”
Through County employee and retirees’ donations, CECO has distributed more than $6.7 million throughout the San Diego region to local non-profit organizations and employees in crisis since its founding in 1956.
Save the date for CECO’s next anniversary celebration: a lunchtime gathering Friday, Aug. 26 at the County Operations Center. There will be a special star-studded, all-employee band performance with tunes from the ‘50s, when CECO formed, food and other surprise festivities! More details to come. So stay tuned to InSite.
To learn how to donate to CECO, visit them online.