Sheriff’s Department Wins Safety Award
/Left to Right: Human Resources Director Susan Brazaeu, Undersheriff Mark Elvin and WSSH director Brian Borg.
The Sheriff’s Department recently won the Work Safe Stay Health Award of Excellence, given each year by Human Resources to a department for its efforts to promote a safe workplace.
DHR Director Susan Brazeau said the Sheriff’s Department was fully engaged in creating a culture of safety, and this engagement produced impressive results.
The department saw decreases in three important areas last year: work-related injuries, hours of lost productivity, and expenditures related to workers’ compensation. “This is a shining example for all departments,” said Brazeau. “When you emphasize safety and create awareness amongst your employees—it will generate results.”
Senior Departmental Human Resources Officer Liza Dangca said the Sheriff’s Department makes several efforts to ensure the utmost safety for its 4,000 employees, both sworn staff and professional support staff.
Two years ago, the department hired a dedicated safety coordinator. This person focuses on a proactive approach to safety. Efforts include conducting inspections at facilities and making improvements or recommendations for upgrades that can decrease risks of accidents and increase well-being in the workplace.
The safety coordinator has also trained 61 Sheriff’s Department employees at 46 facilities to promote safety and keep their eyes and ears open for hazards, and ultimately make corrections in a timely fashion.
In addition, more than 100 deputies participated in the Sheriff’s Health Academy – a pilot wellness program developed by DHR in partnership with Kaiser Permanente. The academy emphasized physical fitness, behavioral changes and nutrition, and encouraged participants to make long-lasting lifestyle changes that will improve their health and reduce stress. The department also offers in-house ergonomic evaluations.
Another preventative effort is a monthly Work Safe Stay Healthy email bulletin with tips such as ladder safety during the holidays, information on stopping the spread of germs during flu season, and heat-related illness prevention during the summer.
To learn more about workplace safety, visit the Work Safe Stay Healthwebsite.