3 Reasons the Registrar Wants You as a Poll Worker

The Registrar of Voters is looking for a few good County employees to staff the polls for the Nov. 4 Gubernatorial General Election. Yes, it’s that time already. Poll worker training begins in a matter of weeks and ballots for military and overseas voters go out on Sept. 20 so election season is already under way.

The Registrar is looking first to you, County employees, because of your sense of civic duty, your desire to excel and because you serve the public on a daily basis and that skill carries over naturally to working the polls. Overall, some 5,000 poll workers are needed for 1,432 polling places in the County. In return for your long day of service, you will receive a stipend ranging from $75 to $175 depending on the assignment, and you may be eligible to use paid leave to be a poll worker. 

Bilingual speakers are in particular demand and receive an additional $15 if they’re assigned to give language assistance to voters. The Registrar’s office is required by federal law to provide bilingual speakers and voting materials to voters who speak Spanish, Filipino, Vietnamese and Chinese. A survey by the University of California, Berkeley also showed a need for speakers of Khmer, Japanese, Korean and Hindi at several precincts, so the Registrar is recruiting bilingual poll workers in those languages too.

Poll workers must be U.S. citizens who are registered to vote in California or have been lawfully admitted for permanent residence here. You must provide your own transportation to the assigned polling location, have access to the Internet for online training and attend a two-hour class.

It’s easy to apply, and if you have any questions, you can read these FAQs or call (858) 694-3419 or email: Jean.Vukotich@sdcounty.ca.gov.