HHSA Departments Team Up To Help Children

Physical fitness plays a key role in overall wellness, and playgrounds can be a fun and inspiring place for kids to get fit without even realizing. But, for some children, a day at the park can be a real challenge. Some kids with serious emotional disturbances have trouble using their bodies, or may have extreme sensory issues, where they get overwhelmed with their five senses and have trouble dealing with a seemingly simple situation.

A San Diego County Health and Human Services Agency Mental Health Services (MHS) program took the lead and has just help build a new park with creative equipment specifically geared toward physical work with these children. This should help them gain comfort in the world around them as they learn how to develop healthy bodies. 

The Fred Finch program is for children who are dually-diagnosed with mental health and developmental issues. The day treatment program brings together several HHSA departments - Mental Health Services, Child Welfare Services, and a Regional Center - to serve this special population.

The new playground in Spring Valley will enable counselors to work with the children to develop both fitness and sensory integration.