Computer and Technology Training for Older Adults
/Don’t let those technology gifts you received from well-meaning younger relatives stay in boxes this year: pull them out, plug them in and tune in to a computer class or other technology training programs available for older adults. Once you become familiar with some of these products, you’ll see how they can make your life easier and more enjoyable.
The new Technology & Aging Coalition of San Diego County can help you learn where to go for classes. The web site – -- provides a listing of many technology education options that are available. There is also a list of computer clubs for older adults.
If you know of other great learning opportunities that you would like added to the list, be sure to let us know and we’ll include those on the list.
The goal of the Technology & Aging Coalition is to encourage older adults to explore the many technology products and services available to them. The group was formed after the County’s Aging Summit on Technology last June and is working to increase technology education as well as work with technology developers to create products with the older adult in mind.
The coalition’s steering committee includes representatives from the County’s Health & Human Services Agency, the San Diego Futures Foundation, San Diego Continuing Education, AARP, Access to Independence and Aldea Communications, a consulting business on technology products for older adults.
For more information about the Technology & Aging Coalition of San Diego County and to see listings of classes and computer clubs, visit, and look under “Resources.”