Attn: COC Staff! How do you get to work?
/As many around the County are aware, the COC on Overland Ave. is undergoing a massive renovation.
The project will not only upgrade the facilities for the current occupants. It will also consolidate a number of other functions on the campus to improve service levels to the public. To make this possible, a handful of departments are relocating staff from outlying offices into the new COC facilities.
In the case of DEH, its headquarters is moving from the Mills Building, a mass transit hub in downtown San Diego, to the Kearny Mesa area, where public transportation options are limited. In an effort to address employees' growing concerns, a Transportation Workgroup was formed with representatives from all occupying departments at the COC.
The main objective of the group is to find new solutions to the commuting issue. Another point of interest is to alleviate parking and traffic in the area by filtering more employees to the campus through alternative modes of transportation. Concepts that have been discussed range from car and van pool groups to the use of new technology to allow for flexible work schedules and telecommuting.
The Workgroup is off to a good start but it could use some fresh ideas and as much support as it can get. The group invites anyone interested to participate; it especially needs people that have used alternative transportation and those who travel above average distances because the experience insight they have to offer are invaluable.
The focus area is Kearny Mesa, but ideas developed at this group may provide a model that can be used throughout the County in the future. The link below has a survey the Workgroup is conducting to gauge employees' interest
For more information on the COC Transportation Workgroup and how you can participate, please contact Michael Vizzier from DEH. News on the COC Redevelopment Project can be found at