National Honors Bestowed on San Diego Sheriff's Sergeant

He takes no nonsense from anybody, not even the Mexican Mafia. His commitment to serve and protect the public from gang threats makes Sgt. William “Brian” Hout an outstanding member of the Sheriff’s Department.

On October 26th, Sgt. Hout received an Honorable Mention during the “Police Officer of the Year” convention in Florida. Parade Magazine and the International Association of Chiefs honor the finest in law enforcement every year.

Sgt. Hout was recognized for his work with the FBI’s Violent Crimes Task Force Gang Group. He took part in 13 major gang or drug investigations including Operations Keys to the City. Sgt. Hout says the operation targeted the “worst of the worst.” He took the dangerous job of setting up undercover surveillance to track the activities of suspected killers, kidnappers and drug traffickers as well as members of the Mexican Mafia and a gang that was pulling off crimes behind bars. 

Sheriff Bill Gore called Sgt. Hout “one of the best and the brightest” of the department.