Highlights from the County Technology Office’s IT Innovation Day

The County Technology Office (CTO) hosted their Innovation Day in November. The event showcased emerging technologies that could shape the future of our workforce.

Over 170 people attended the event, which was the first Innovation Day since 2019, due to the pandemic.

Presentations touched on topics like artificial intelligence, cybersecurity, automation, and sustainability.

Vendors included Akamai Technologies, Amazon Web Services, AT&T, AVI Systems, Google, Outsystems, Peraton and Verizon.

Below are a few cutting-edge technologies showcased at the event:

  • Generative AI Chatbot with Amazon Bedrock. This AI program can help you learn about County projects, access resources and find contacts in an instant.

  • Google Indoor Map Wayfinding. Have you ever found yourself inside a large building and needed help to find your way? This program provides an indoor map of the structure to help you get where you need to go.

  • Digital Experience Team. CTO gave attendees a preview of the redesigned sandiegocounty.gov and InSite.

  • “How to Conduct Effective Interviews: The VR Experience.” HHSA introduced their virtual reality training program. Participants conducted simulated job interviews through an interactive VR headset.

CTO created an Innovation Day recap page. You can check out presentation slides, see photos from the event and read feedback and ideas from attendees.

You can access the recap page here.

Know the Code: Gifts and Gratuities


‘Tis the season for holiday merry-making, shopping and gift-giving. At home, your kids probably think the more presents the better. But at work, you need to know the four ‘Rs’ if you’re offered a gift from an outside business.   

Learn more on how to handle gifts and gratuities in this month’s Know the Code.  

The County’s gift-giving rules apply all year round. To find out more, read the: 

Check out the OEC webpage on InSite for information about upcoming Ethics and Compliance Program events, training and resources including monthly “Know the Code” articles and micro-training videos. 

If you have questions about Ethics and Compliance training and other resources, contact the OEC team at oec@sdcounty.ca.gov or 619-531-5174.  

HHSA staff may also contact the HHSA Business Assurance and Compliance team at compliance.hhsa@sdcounty.ca.gov or 619-338-2807. 

Your View: Rancho Christmas in the Park

Carmen Rubio, a Senior Park Ranger with County Parks and Recreation shared several photos taken at the Dec. 2 Rancho Christmas community celebration at Rancho Guajome Adobe in Vista. Adobe tours, musicians, food, merchant and craft booths, folklorico dancers and tractor drawn hayrides were among the fun activities.

Share your photos! If you see a coworker getting the job done, a beautiful sunset over your office or a wonderful County program being offered—snap a pic and submit it. Be sure to include information about the photo and your name. One image will be posted to InSite every week and may be shared on social media.

See more of Your View photos.

Celebrate the Holidays with VALOR

Celebrate the holidays and the year with VALOR. The employee resource group will be holding a holiday gathering from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m., Thursday, Dec. 14.

The festive event will be held at the Lafayette Hotel and Club, 2223 El Cajon Blvd., San Diego, CA 92104

In addition, VALOR invites County employees to sponsor a wreath for fallen service members during Wreaths Across America.

Don’t Miss Fireside Chat on Emerging Leadership

Mark your calendars. The Employee Resource Group Council will host a Fireside Chat on Thursday, Dec. 14 from noon to 1 p.m. Join the chat to hear from several millennials in leadership.

These quarterly sessions are moderated conversations with County leadership on the secrets to their career success and are held in partnership with the County’s DHR Equity Diversity and Inclusion team.

This event will feature:

  • Nadia Binderup, Intergovernmental Affairs Director, Sheriff’s Department

  • Brynn Viale, Deputy Director, Aging & Independence Services

  • Anita Walia, Agency Operations Chief, Housing and Community Development Services

 The Emerging Workforce Association ERG will moderate the chat.

Join in the virtual event in one of two ways:

  1. Register to get an automated calendar link. (Open in Edge.)

  2. Save the following information to join on Dec. 14.
    Join on Teams
    Or call in (audio only) 619-343-2539 Phone Conference ID: 5488339#

This session will be recorded.

See the flyer below.

Resources to Cope with the Holiday Blues

The holiday season is a bustling time that may bring a mix of emotions – it can be a joyous time and also a time of stress, anxiety, loneliness and depression.

While these feelings can creep in any time of year, they can be more common in November and December.

"The winter holidays are an evocative time and for some people can be emotionally difficult, leading to episodes of depression, anxiety and harmful substance use," Luke Bergmann, PhD, director of County of San Diego Behavioral Health Services said. "Recognizing symptoms is the first step toward improving mental well-being during this time of year."

Tips for the holiday season include:

  • Establish realistic goals and expectations

  • Set a spending limit and stick to it

  • Limit consumption of alcoholic beverages

  • Make plans with others and spend time with people who are supportive and caring

  • Look for opportunities to express kindness by volunteering at a shelter, meal delivery service or senior center

  • Eat healthy, exercise regularly and try to laugh; laughing is a great aerobic exercise

While the holidays can feel overwhelming, getting back to your normal routine also helps keep these difficult feelings at bay. As the holidays subside, these feelings may dwindle for some.

If these feelings linger or interfere with your daily life, you may need to reach out to your primary care physician or a mental health professional. Look for these signs:

  • Loss of interest in activities that used to bring you joy

  • Eating more or less than usual, or gaining or losing weight

  • Having trouble sleeping, or sleeping more than usual

  • Feeling slow or restless

  • Feeling hopeless, helpless, or inadequate

  • Having difficulty concentrating, thinking clearly or making decisions

  • Persistent thoughts of death or suicide

  • Withdrawal from others

For more information and mental health resources visit www.up2sd.org. If you are experiencing a mental health, suicide or substance use crisis please call 988 or the Access and Crisis Line 1-888-724-7240.

In addition, the County offers employees free confidential counseling and referral services through an Employee Assistance Program. Learn more about our EAP

Your View: Fallbrook Tree Lighting

Nancy Santillan from County Parks and Recreation shared these photos of the community, including student musicians and festive folklorico dancers, who gathered for the tree lighting on Dec. 1 and to celebrate the season at the Fallbrook Community Center.

Share your photos! If you see a coworker getting the job done, a beautiful sunset over your office or a wonderful County program being offered—snap a pic and submit it. Be sure to include information about the photo and your name. One image will be posted to InSite every week and may be shared on social media.

See more of Your View photos.

Join CSDFEA’s Holiday of Hope Drive

Spread cheer and hope this holiday season. Consider donating to the County of San Diego Filipino American Employee Association’s Holiday of Hope Dollar Drive. Proceeds will benefit low-income families served by the Union of Pan Asian Communications (UPAC) Child and Adolescent Mental Health program.

The employee resource group will match each dollar donated up to $250.

Send your donation via Venmo to @CSDFEA by Friday, Dec. 8.

For more information, email csdfea@sdcounty.ca.gov.

See the flyer below.

2 holiday cards with photos of donations

Your View: Kicking Off the Holidays

The County Administration Center was lit on Dec. 1 to kickoff the holiday season.

Share your photos! If you see a coworker getting the job done, a beautiful sunset over your office or a wonderful County program being offered—snap a pic and submit it. Be sure to include information about the photo and your name. One image will be posted to InSite every week and may be shared on social media.

See more of Your View photos.